Lavender Eye Pillows

Lavender Eye Pillows

I offer a big variety of lavender eye pillows that give not only natural relaxation to the eyes but also bring rest to the whole body. Due to this the mind calms down as well, the thoughts get clearer and the breathing gets regular. The eyes get rest better and quicker. A light pressure of the eye pillow gives release to the eye muscles, forehead muscles, and facial wrinkles go away.

I suggest using the eye pillows during your yoga practice, in particular during Shavasana (relaxation) or exercises on the floor (when you lie on your back). You can also use the eye pillow at the beginning of a yoga class, in order to concentrate on your practice better. Besides you can use the eye pillow for a short break during the day, in the evening or while travelling before you fall asleep, to take the edge off after your working day.

Online-shop with more detailed information and the whole choice you can find under this link.